About us

About us


Hello, I’m David, a tech enthusiast with a penchant for all things related to marketing, business, sales, and internet technology. You can think of me as your friendly guide through the ever-evolving landscape of the digital world.

For a long time I worked as a system administrator in a public organization. Now I also work in IT, but in a different position and in another company. Numerous acquaintances often turn to me for help in solving computer problems. As a result, over the years I have accumulated a certain amount of knowledge, which I wanted to systematize and preserve somehow.

Initially, this site was meant to be a personal blog, where you can leave notes. But then I thought that it could be useful to someone else. That’s why I tried to write all the articles and manuals published here in detail and in simple language. And although the blog is aimed at experienced users and novice system administrators, I’m sure that my articles will be easy to understand for the average user as well.

I don’t have Microsoft certificates (and there was never a need to get them), but all the materials published here and all the advice I give have been repeatedly tested on my personal experience. All the software described here, I first test “on myself”.

This blog is my hobby, to which I try to devote every free minute. Unfortunately, free time is often not enough, so it is not possible to write new articles regularly.

I hope that your comments and feedback will motivate me to write new materials on computer topics.

I hope it helped someone to solve their problem!